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Hazards index

Hazards are anything that can cause harm and every place of work has them. Understanding the hazards at your work can help you manage risks and keep workers safe and healthy.

This information will help you identify the hazards at your work and the steps you can take to reduce or remove risks for yourself and your workers.

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Showing 85-96 of 118 results with 2 filters

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  • Hazardous chemicals; environment; material

    Large drivable milling machines (half lane and larger)

    Using large drivable milling machines (half lane and larger) on asphalt pavement, concrete, and other silica-containing materials can generate respirable crystalline silica dust. When inhaled, the small particles of silica can irreversibly damage the lungs.

  • Hazardous chemicals; environment; material

    Vehicle-mounted drilling rigs for rock and concrete

    Using drilling rigs mounted on trucks, crawlers or other vehicles to drill into rock or concrete can generate respirable crystalline silica dust. When inhaled, the small particles of silica can irreversibly damage the lungs.

  • Hazardous chemicals; environment; material

    Jackhammers or handheld powered chipping tools

    Using a jackhammer or handheld power chipping tools to break or demolish concrete, stone, masonry or other silica-containing materials can generate respirable crystalline silica dust. When inhaled over time, the small particles of silica can irreversibly damage the lungs.

  • Hazardous chemicals; environment; material

    Handheld grinders for mortar removal

    Using handheld grinders to remove mortar (tuckpointing or removing mortar/concrete that has leaked from undersides of slab) can generate respirable crystalline silica dust. When inhaled, the small particles of silica can irreversibly damage the lungs.

  • Electricity

    Electric vehicle guidance

    Electric vehicles include battery-powered electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and diesel-electric vehicles.

  • Environment; hazardous manual tasks; plant, equipment and vehicle

    Confined spaces

    Find out how to manage the health and safety risks associated with working in a confined space.

  • Health and wellbeing

    Supporting an ageing workforce

    Creating a healthy and safe place of work will support the health, safety and wellbeing of workers of all ages.

  • Health and wellbeing; mental health


    Harassment includes offensive remarks or behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers in relation to personal characteristics such as age, disability, race, sex, relationship status, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status.

  • Health and wellbeing; mental health

    Poor support

    Poor support refers to tasks or jobs where workers have inadequate emotional and/or practical support from their supervisors and/or co-workers, inadequate training or information to support their work performance, or inadequate tools, equipment or resources to do their job.

  • Hazardous chemicals; environment; material

    Airborne contaminants

    Workplace air can be contaminated by a range of airborne contaminants that are hazardous when breathed in.

  • Mental health


    Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. At work, fatigue is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion that reduces your ability to work safely and effectively.

  • Hazardous chemicals; environment; material

    Handheld grinders for tasks other than mortar removal

    Using handheld grinders to smooth or cut the surfaces of concrete, masonry or other silica containing materials can generate respirable crystalline silica dust. When inhaled, the small particles of silica can irreversibly damage the lungs.