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Mentally healthy workplaces toolkit

This toolkit provides practical tools and resources that employers, managers and leaders can use to create and maintain mentally healthy workplaces.

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Slide 1: Workplace mental health matters.

Slide 2: Why?

One third of adult life is spent at work.

Slide 3: Work-related stress is estimated to affect around 32% of all Australians.

Slide 4: And 1 in 5 Aussies experience a mental health condition in any year.

1 in 2 of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetime.

But 5 in 5 workers should be protected from injury or illness and supported by their workplace.

Slide 5: During your career, it is highly likely you will work alongside, or manage someone with a mental health condition.

Whether you know it or not.

Slide 6: Still not convinced?

Slide 7: Mental disorder claims cost more and last longer than physical claims.

Across the country, $543 million is paid in workers' compensation every year for mental health conditions.

And in workplaces that are perceived to be mentally unhealthy, workers are 3 x more likely to take time off.

Slide 8: Not to mention…

Low morale, under performance, absenteeism, reduced productivity, poor image and turnover.

The time to build mentally healthy workplaces and protect workers is now.

Slide 9: Why the rush?

Slide 10: Rising screen time, sedentary behaviour and chronic illness

Major advances in automation, digitisation and artificial intelligence

The blurring of boundaries between work and home

Rising performance and productivity expectations

The creation of a 'gig' and entrepreneurial economy

And more digital connection but less human contact

are all expected to lead to increased stress and mental health challenges.

Slide 11: The longer the problem is ignored or deprioritised, the harder it will become to prevent and manage.

Slide 12: So what can be done?

Slide 13: A mentally healthy workplace…

Promotes positive workplace practices that enhance mental health

  1. Prevents harm through effective risk management practices
  2. Intervenes early to signs of stress and distress, and
  3. Supports workers recovering from physical and mental health conditions.

Slide 14: For every $1 spent on mentally healthy workplaces up to $2.30 is returned from reduced presenteeism, absenteeism and compensation.

Slide 15: It makes good business sense to create a mentally healthy workplace.

Slide 16: Imagine a workplace where workers want to go every day and come home healthier than when they left.

Slide 17: A workplace where workers feel supported, engaged and satisfied

and your business is operating as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Slide 18: Mentally healthy workplaces are good for everyone.

Slide 19: So let's begin.

This toolkit aims to help employers, managers and leaders eliminate and minimise risks to psychological health, and create workplace environments that are mentally healthy.

Use the guidance material and practical tools in this toolkit to facilitate positive steps towards a mentally healthy workplace.

Toolkit contents:

  1. Mentally healthy workplaces
  2. Promote positive practices
  3. Prevent psychological harm
  4. Intervene early
  5. Support recovery from injury
  6. Mentally healthy workplaces for small business
  7. Additional resources

Download the toolkit (PDF, 10.61 MB)

Creating mentally healthy workplaces

A mentally healthy workplace is one that:

Mentally healthy workplaces toolkit

  • promotes workplace practices that support positive mental health
  • eliminates and minimises psychological health and safety risks through the identification and assessment of psychosocial hazards
  • builds the knowledge, skills and capabilities of workers to be resilient and thrive at work
  • is free of stigma and discrimination
  • supports the recovery of workers returning after a physical or psychological injury.

This toolkit is structured around a four part model that outlines what makes a workplace mentally healthy.

The benefits of a mentally healthy workplace

  • Decrease in work-related injuries and illnesses
  • Decrease in workers' compensation claims
  • Thriving workers
  • Increase in productivity
  • Decrease in absenteeism
  • Increase in engagement and job satisfaction
  • Decrease in turnover and selection costs
  • Increase in attraction of top talent