Health and safety guidance and resources for businesses that extract minerals from the earth such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, gold or other naturally occurring ores. Or provide support to businesses that do.
When things go wrong… Common scenarios in legionella and risk communication
Mining Health Improvement and Awareness Committee presentations - Dr Richard Bentham School of the Environment Flinders University Adelaide
The Industrial Athlete: incorporating preventative and mitigating measures
Presentation slides by Stewart Sherrington 2 June 2016
Reducing Common Law Exposure in the Mining and Construction Industries
Terry Killian – Partner – DibbsBarker - Presentation slides
Working together to achieve optimal outcomes: Water and waste industry
Presentation Slides (2103).
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis is a lung disease most often caused by breathing in coal dust over a long period of time.
Concrete pumping
Hazards, risks and other information related to concrete pumping.
Find out how to manage the workplace risks associated with welding.
Mining Industry Suitable Duties
a list of possible suitable duties. Circle or add additional identified tasks and work together to achieve a positive and sustainable stay at, or return to work...
Elevating work platform annual or third party inspection checklist
Use this checklist to perform and record inspections
Checklist - planning the safe set-up and operation of elevating work platforms (EWPs)
Use this ten page checklist to plan the safe set-up and operation of elevating work platforms (EWPs). Keeping a record of the completed checklist will help to m...
Hazardous chemicals - placard information and manifest quantities
Hazardous chemicals - placard information and manifest quantities
Incident alert
Worker killed in elevating work platform rolloverIn a recent incident, a worker suffered fatal head injuries when a scissor lift type elevated work platform (EWP) fell over. Early investigations found the EWPs...
Incident alert
Mechanic crushed under prime moverIn a recent incident, a mechanic suffered serious injuries after being crushed by the wheel of a prime mover. Early investigations indicate the mechanic had cli...
Managing the risk of falls at workplaces code of practice 2021
This Code of Practice on how to manage the risk of falls at workplaces is an approved code of practice under section 274 of the Work Health ...
Commencement date: 1 March 2021 -
Confined spaces code of practice 2021
The Confined spaces Code of Practice is an approved code of practice under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Commencement date: 1 March 2021 -
Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Code of Practice 2021
Queensland has now updated the Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Code of Practice 2021 to reflect the model ...
Commencement date: 1 March 2021
Form 14 - Application for registration of plant design
Designer statement and declaration for plant design registration (parts 4 and 5 of Form 14).
Form 72 Notification of an abandoned tank
Includes guidelines to completing the form.
Form 70 - Notification of a hazardous chemicals pipeline
This is an approved form for compliance with Section 390 and 391 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation).
Form 8 - Application for registration of registrable plant
Plant includes: boilers, amusement devices, building maintenance unit, passenger lift, mobile crane, pressure vessel, tower crane, and concrete placement units....
WorkCover Connect for employers
Manage your claims and policy with our free online service.
Check insurance cover
Check to see if an employer has a current accident insurance policy.
Hazardous chemical notifications
Make a hazardous chemical notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Industry comparative calculator
Industry comparative calculator to generate the latest statistics for your industry and across Queensland.
Send or request WorkCover information
The easiest and fastest way you can get information to or from WorkCover Queensland is using our dedicated online services.
Electrical licence holder search
You can check the status of electrical contractor licence numbers through our online Electrical Licence Search.
Annual update of Medical Tables of Costs
WorkCover Queensland has reviewed and updated the tables of costs for medical treatment and supplementary services applicable for workers' c...
Tis the season to be jolly
The holiday season is fast approaching and with it, extended trading hours across the state allowing Queenslanders to avoid the Christmas ru...
Annual update of Private Hospital Services Table of Costs
WorkCover Queensland has updated the Private Hospital Services Table of Costs, effective 1 December 2024.
Our safety ambassadors share their stories and increase awareness of the importance of mentally healthy workplaces and work health and safet...
Work Well Awards 2023
More than 111 organisations and individuals entered this year’s Work Well Awards, demonstrating their dedication to making Queensland workpl...
Electrical Safety Fortnight 2024
Get involved in Electrical Safety Fortnight 2 – 14 September 2024! For the first time, we're expanding our safety messages across two weeks!...
Mentally healthy workplaces workshops 2025
Designed for managers and supervisors, you’ll be equipped with foundational skills to identify, assess and manage risks to psychological hea...
Case study - People at Work - Holy Cross Services
In this video, Cameron, their Learning and Development Advisor, shares how the program’s tools are helping to identify training gaps, improv...
Back to basics: how to do a risk assessment for psychosocial hazards at work
This session brings us back to basics regarding psychosocial hazards, providing a step-by-step walkthrough of the risk management process in...
Mental Injury Webinar Series: Part Two - The Employer Response
In part two of our mental injury webinar series, guest speaker Dr Mary Wyatt unpacks studies to demonstrate the impact an employer's respons...
Judgement ruled in favour of Plaintiff in PTSD case
The Plaintiff was a 27-year-old former aged care worker, who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a sexual assault at work...
Plaintiff alleged the absence of proper training led to inability to assess and mitigate risks
Ritchie James Edward Lowe v Greenmountain Food Processing Pty Ltd [2024] QDC 204. The Plaintiff failed to establish any negligence or insuff...
The home: another place of employment where workplace injuries can occur
Working from home creates an additional place of employment in which the employer must take steps to do what is reasonably practicable to en...
Providing a psychologically safe and positive workplace
Creating a psychologically safe workplace to improve health outcomes and reduce absenteeism and compensation claims.
Navigating psychosocial hazards and factors within the workplace
Tanya Orszulak from the Psychological Health Unit talked to 4BC Radio about Mental Health Week and how to navigate psychosocial hazards and factors within the w...