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  • Renew my policy

    Renew your WorkCover insurance policy online.

  • WorkCover remittance

    Download a copy of your payment remittance advice.

  • Online

    Provider Connect

    WorkCover's medical and allied health provider portal makes doing business with us quick and straightforward.

  • Online

    Industry comparative calculator

    Industry comparative calculator to generate the latest statistics for your industry and across Queensland.

  • Online

    Worker Assist

    Worker Assist makes tracking your claim easy.

  • Pay my premium

    Pay your WorkCover insurance premium online.

  • Asbestos notifications

    Make an asbestos notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

  • WorkCover online services

    Register for and access our online services portals.

  • Check insurance cover

    Check to see if an employer has a current accident insurance policy.

  • Make a WorkCover claim

    Make a WorkCover claim for a work-related injury or illness.

  • Demolition notifications

    Make a demolition notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

  • Apply for a policy online

    Taking out an insurance policy with WorkCover is quick and simple.