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Hot desk hygiene

As more businesses adopt shared workspace practices that promote flexibility, collaboration and cost efficiency, prioritising good office hygiene habits is essential. Employers can promote simple yet effective measures which will play a pivotal role in reducing the transmission of germs and illness, ensuring a healthier and more productive workplace for everyone.

Strategies for improving office hygiene

  • Encourage individuals to stay home if they are feeling unwell.
  • Promote the use of personal equipment to minimise device sharing.
  • Regularly sanitise workspaces using disinfectant wipes or surface cleaners.
  • Keep workspaces clutter-free to reduce the risk of germ accumulation.
  • Practice good hand hygiene, including frequent handwashing.
  • Encourage employees to eat in designated areas rather than at their desks.

To remind your employees about these habits, download and display the Hot desking hygiene fact sheet (PDF, 1.63 MB).

Remember, hot desking hygiene is about more than just self-protection—it's about safeguarding everyone in the workplace, especially those who are vulnerable or may have compromised immune systems.