Hazards index
Hazards are anything that can cause harm and every place of work has them. Understanding the hazards at your work can help you manage risks and keep workers safe and healthy.
This information will help you identify the hazards at your work and the steps you can take to reduce or remove risks for yourself and your workers.
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Showing 109-118 of 118 results with 2 filters
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Health and wellbeing; mental health
Poor environmental conditions
Poor environmental conditions are those where workers are exposed to unpleasant, poor quality, or hazardous physical environments or conditions that create a stress response.
24 October 2022 -
Hazardous chemicals; material; environment
Skin disorders and exposures
There are many ways that skin can be exposed to substances at work can harm the skin and cause disease. Some chemicals that come into contact with the skin can be absorbed and cause disease in other areas of the body. Find out more about how to stay safe.
11 June 2020 -
Health and wellbeing; mental health
Remote or isolated work
Remote work refers to work that is isolated from the assistance of other people because of location, time, or the nature of the work. It can involve working in locations where there is difficulty in immediate rescue or attendance of emergency services (where required).
24 October 2022 -
Environment; health and wellbeing
Sun safety and skin cancer
Workers who are exposed to the sun are at risk of being overexposed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) – especially in Queensland. Cumulative exposure to UVR can cause sunburn in the short term and can lead to skin cancer and eye damage in the long term.
9 February 2021 -
Health and wellbeing; mental health
High and/or low job demands
A job can involve a combination of high and/or low physical, mental and emotional demands, which can create risks to the health and safety of workers.
24 October 2022 -
Health and wellbeing; mental health
Poor organisational change management
Poor organisational change management refers to organisational change management that is poorly planned, communicated, supported or managed.
24 October 2022 -
Health and wellbeing; mental health
Poor workplace relationships including interpersonal conflict
Poor workplace relationships or interpersonal conflict can occur between managers, supervisors, co-workers or others with whom workers are required to interact. It can appear as frequent or excessive disagreements, or rude comments—either from one person to another or between multiple people.
24 October 2022 -
Hazardous manual tasks
Musculoskeletal disorders frequently asked questions
Find out the answers to frequently asked questions about musculoskeletal disorders, which are also known as sprains and strains.
26 August 2019 -
Hazardous chemicals
Gases in cylinders
Compressed gas cylinders contain gas stored under significant pressure, presenting a significant hazard in the workplace.
31 May 2017 -
Hazardous chemicals; electricity; environment; health and wellbeing; hazardous manual tasks; material; mental health; plant, equipment and vehicle
Storms and floods
It's important for employers and workers to be prepared for the threat of a natural disaster. This page has important health and safety information about what to do before, during and after a natural disaster strikes.
13 October 2021