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PeopleIN Workplace Rehabilitation Team, PeopleIN Limited

Category nine – Best rehabilitation and return to work management system

The PeopleIN Workplace Rehabilitation Team work closely with their 600+ internal employees and 4,000+ clients to ensure injured workers from their pool of 49,000 return to work safely and positively. They have built a strong framework to ensure their teams have effective collaboration, consistent processes and strive towards a common goal—recovery from injury. Their framework includes:

  • injury management reporting and software
  • injury management policy and processes
  • stakeholder communication: weekly meetings with operation staff, communication with their clients and “weekly kudos” to promote positive safety culture within teams
  • senior collaboration: monthly reports submitted to the Board, and reports discussed at Audit and Risk meetings, which meet every three months
  • SharePoint: PeopleIN’s company intranet
  • on-boarding packs distributed to candidates and host employers
  • marketing initiatives to communicate their “why” with the wider PeopleIN community.

PeopleIN’s goal is to create an environment where physical and psychological safety is not something that requires secrecy. By opening the doors of communication to prevent injury and to provide appropriate support post injury, PeopleIN’s Workplace Rehabilitation team are creating a pathway to improve injury statistics throughout the country.

Category 9 - PeopleIN  Workplace Rehabilitation Team, PeopleIN Limited