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Category six – Best demonstrated leadership in work health and safety

CQUniversity's holistic health and wellbeing program has been integrated into its culture, systems, strategies and programs. Senior management have dedicated significant financial resources to the program. Vice Chancellors show their commitment by naming their own wellbeing challenges and actively participate in health and wellbeing events.

To overcome the challenges associated with managing 3500 staff across 25 campuses, CQUniversity uses employee surveys, attendance at health and safety committee meetings, workers' compensation data and the risk management process to identify areas of need. It uses facts and evidence to develop initiatives and activities that are targeted and relevant.

CQUniversity's health and wellbeing program is a long-term strategy that is systematically measured and monitored as part of the annual operational business plans. CQUniversity's success in sharing knowledge, experience and learnings across campus' is a model that could be applied more broadly across other industries and workplaces.

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