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Data quality statement

We recognise that the quality of the data we receive depends on the understanding that insurers have of our requirements and the accuracy with which they supply data. To help insurers understand the data management process and provide accurate data, we've implemented the following programs towards data quality.

Data collection and controls

Networks and partnerships

  • Meetings with the Insurer Data Reference Group to discuss data requirements, validation and data issues. This group consists of insurers who represent users of workers' compensation claims management systems used in Queensland.
  • Regular discussions with insurers and claims management system providers to check the quality of data and to assist insurers with any problems they may be encountering.
  • Dedicated contact staff providing technical and general support to insurers as required.



  • Data management bulletins to assist with coding and business practices.
  • Education sessions for insurers' claims management staff and any other relevant staff on the Workers' compensation insurers' interface data specifications (PDF, 1.7 MB) and the process for supplying data to the Workers' Compensation Regulator.

For more information


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