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Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory Pty Ltd

Category twelve - Best response to the COVID-19 pandemic in work health and safety

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory Pty Ltd on many levels. A collaborative approach was required to keep production running and ensure the health and safety of 800 employees from a physical and psychosocial aspect.

Swickers used a range of COVID-19 risk management tools including:

  • introducing snoods and face masks so all staff could perform their roles while being on the production line
  • redesigning the employee access point to include a fob entry system (a short-range key that sends signals to a reader within short distances) to record the physical movement of individuals
  • employing dedicated COVID-19 temperature checkers to welcome employees on a gradual return to work plan
  • securing vaccinations for Swickers staff
  • developing a COVID-19 Reactive and Preventative Action plan, ensuring they were protecting their livelihood as a business and upholding legislative requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • enhancing deep cleaning with the hygiene team and a dedicated hygiene manager
  • communication via toolbox talks to all employees, contractors and visitors
  • monthly safety meetings to ensure COVID-19 protocols were being adhered to and any concerns raised by workers were addressed.

Swickers ensured the safety and wellbeing of employees by implementing COVID-19 protocols.

Category 12 - Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory Pty Ltd