Steve Coleman was working in a high-stress job looking after at-risk youths where he was often faced with emotionally demanding situations, dealing with clients who had complex behaviours that were mainly trauma-based. Over time, the workload increased so much that Steve had little time to himself, would skip breaks to meet deadlines and the stress was affecting every aspect of his life. He felt exhausted and unsupported.
Steve suffered sharp energy loss and was not motivated to do the things he usually enjoyed, like going to the gym. He couldn’t bring himself to make decisions, big or small. Steve suffered from anxiety and depression and he was unable to work.
After a number of attempts to return to work, Steve’s customer advisor at WorkCover Queensland decided he needed more time to focus on his health. Steve was supported by his customer advisor and started his psychology treatment as part of his rehabilitation.
He had regular sessions and over time developed self-management skills that helped with his recovery including physical activities, gradually spending short amounts of time at the gym and opening up to friends about his situation.
Steve has since completed his Certificate IV in Mental Health and a Diploma in Community Service. He never lost motivation to work in an industry he’s passionate about. Although Steve did not end up returning to his original workplace, he started in a new supervisory role and is planning to continue his education.