Category seven – Injured worker achievement award (return to work)
Jess had just finished work for the evening when she tripped and injured her left knee. Jess' fall caused her knee to fracture with dislodgement, impacting arteries in her leg and the blood supply to her bones. The result for Jess was an above the knee amputation.
Before her injury, Jess was social, independent and active, but it was the love for her job as a personal carer that motivated her to get back to work. Working with her employer, Jess started back on suitable duties just four months after her injury. As she continued to undergo an intense rehabilitation program and major changes to the accessibility of her home, Jess' return to work helped her overcome both physical and psychological challenges.
Jess' colleagues and the residents at the aged care facility continue to be inspired by the power of her positivity. They feel Jess' actions and attitude are a reminder to others not take things for granted and enjoy life.