Category five – Best commitment to work health and wellbeing
Cancer Council Queensland has around 200 employees and 1300 volunteers in nine office locations across Queensland.
The Healthy Workplace Program is driven by its core values and organisational goals to 'foster a sense of belonging' and create a healthy workplace culture for all. The success of the program hinges on support from senior leaders who make a visible commitment to the program and allocate personal and financial resources to support initiatives.
Cancer Council Queensland offers a diverse but targeted range of programs that are developed through extensive consultation, staff surveys and organisational risk assessments. The comprehensive and holistic approach includes flexible working arrangements, resilience training, improved accessibility to facilities, and shaded lunch areas.
The Healthy Workplace Program achieved gold status in Queensland Health's Happier Healthier Workplaces program and Cancer Council Queensland is reaping the benefits through improvements in absenteeism, productivity, workers' compensation costs and employee satisfaction.