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Anissa Rigby, Work Rehab

Category nine – Best individual contribution to rehabilitation and return to work

Anissa is a Senior Occupational Therapist who works with clients in the Queensland workers' compensation scheme. Through a commitment to safe return to work systems and outcomes, she helps individuals return to life goals, by acknowledging the importance of workplace connections and community to promote overall societal health and productivity.

With a philosophy towards early intervention, Anissa has developed a program where clients can improve their functional capacity and engage in their recovery from the date of their injury without the need to have a suitable duties program in place.

The Recover at Home (RAH) program is a supervised, but self-directed program where the client chooses daily activities based on their interests, injury type and recovery guidelines. Then over a period of time, the injured worker uses everyday domestic, leisure and work-related activities to raise capacity and recovery. This early intervention program is currently being piloted within WorkCover Queensland (WCQ) for the successful rehabilitation and return to work of injured workers.