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Introduction to workplace health and safety
A trailer showing how Workplace Health and Safety Queensland assists industry in reducing injuries and fatalities in the workplace.
31 October 2014 -
Buildsafe Queensland
1 October 2019 -
Safety fundamentals - consultation
Workplace consultation is essential to managing health and safety risks in your workplace. This two-way exchange between you and your workers has benefits to you, your business and your workers by establishing openness, respect and trust.
18 October 2022 -
Influencing the safety of young workers
Explore how an understanding of the mind and risk profiles of young workers can influence their health, safety and return to work.
26 August 2015 -
Your guide to the Work Health and Safety (Sexual Harassment) Amendment Regulation 2024
There have been changes in how Queensland businesses need to manage the risk of sexual harassment and sex or gender-based harassment at work. Persons conducting a business or undertaking, or ‘PCBUs’, now need to adopt a more comprehensive approach—focusing on preventing harassment before it happens.
4 November 2024 -
Case study – Integrating health, safety and wellbeing
Hear insights from Ben Saal, General Manager Health, Safety and Environment, Powerlink Queensland, on the integration of health safety and wellbeing and how this approach can lead to improved safety, return to work and business outcomes. This presentation was part of the Healthy Work Design forum held on 22 March 2023.
18 May 2023 -
Your worker has lodged a claim for a mental injury. What's next?
Finding out your worker is making a Work Cover claim for a mental health related injury can be challenging.
1 October 2024 -
Emotionally challenging work – managing the risk
Mentally healthy workplaces build and maintain work practices, which promote and support positive mental health and minimise the risk of psychological injury. They benefit workers, their families, the wider community and in broader terms, the efficiency and profitability of businesses and industry.
3 May 2018 -
Let's work on mentally healthy workplaces
Let’s work on building the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of workers to be resilient and thrive at work.
5 October 2023 -
2021 Safe Work and Return to Work Awards Ceremony
2021 Safe Work and Return to Work Awards ceremony.
1 November 2021 -
Introduction to ergonomics in the workplace
Discover why working in a comfortable, well equipped environment is better for your workers’ health. This workers’ Compensation Regulator webinar presented by Michelle James and Pam Knobel, discusses what ergonomics involves, the role of an ergonomist and the benefits of applying ergonomic principles in the workplace and resources to assist you.
14 October 2016 -
The importance of comprehensive incident reporting
Ross McConaghy from Jensen McConaghy Lawyers discusses the importance of comprehensive incident reporting
25 July 2019