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Showing 133-144 of 239 results with 2 filters
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Nuflow Technologies
8 October 2021 -
Nancy Andrian, Lendlease
8 October 2021 -
Australian Country Choice
8 October 2021 -
Common law risk management strategies
Jason Lewis and Kara Thomson of Hughes and Lewis joins us to discuss common law risk management strategies for employers.
3 August 2021 -
Who is a worker and understanding apportionment of liability
Kym Cavanagh and Pat Hall of Hede Byrne & Hall joins us to present our latest webinar topics (July 2021).
26 November 2020 -
2020 Personal Injury Case Law Wrap Up
Daisy Duff and Angela Brookes of Hall & Wilcox joins us to review personal injury cases from 2020.
15 February 2021 -
Vicarious liability and contributory negligence: who is at fault?
Ross McConaghy and Leah Mogg of Jensen McConaghy discuss vicarious liability and contributory negligence in our latest legal webinar (July 2021).
16 April 2021 -
What is the duty of an employer to prevent bullying and harassment?
Edward Zappert and Andrew Hall of Crown Law join us to present our latest legal webinar discussing recent cases about bullying and harassment in the workplace (July 2021).
24 May 2021 -
Making sense of your workers' compensation insurance obligations
Webinar hosted by CCIQ. When it's time to renew your WorkCover policy, do you know what you need to do and who you need to cover?
15 March 2021 -
WorkCover for small business: work injuries, return to work and your obligations
Webinar hosted by CCIQ. What happens when one of your workers is injured at work? What should you do? How can you support them?
15 March 2021 -
The health benefits of good work and suitable duties
Webinar hosted by CCIQ. Recent research has shown that work has important health and wellbeing benefits.
15 March 2021 -
Child safety in home workplaces
Your home business can be as dangerous as any other workplace – how are you protecting your kids?
20 January 2021