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Plant Operator : Return to Work Checklist and Plan
For use by medical practitioner
PDF 41.21 kB 28 August 2020 -
DIY sign - Must be installed by a licenced electrician - Medium Landscape
Print-out "must be installed by a licenced electrician" signs. Don't DIY. (Landscape orientation)
PDF 553.46 kB 28 August 2020 -
workplace rehabilitation policy and procedures
Your RRTWC will also educate all workers and management about workplace rehabilitation policy and procedures
PDF 271.35 kB 28 August 2020 -
Choosing the right safety climate tool for your organisation
An overview of safety climate surveys and how they can help organisations assess their safety climate.
PDF 368.2 kB 28 August 2020 -
Safe handling when securing loads
High risk identification and guidance tool
PDF 288.08 kB 28 August 2020 -
The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)
The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) [1] is a simple measure of psychological distress. The K10 scale involves 10 questions about emotional states each with a five-level response scale.
PDF 33.99 kB 28 August 2020 -
Vehicles as a workplace: Greyfleet Checklist
This checklist may be useful for small and medium enterprises.
PDF 462.21 kB 28 August 2020 -
Risk assessment process for occupational dive work
Risk assessment process for occupational dive work.
DOC 248.32 kB 10 December 2021 -
Tips for investigating workplace incidents factsheet
Investigating incidents to prevent reoccurrence helps to achieve safer workplaces.
PDF 499.31 kB 28 August 2020 -
Record of staff toolbox meeting
Sample to help your business maintain records of your toolbox meetings.
DOCX 22.9 kB 28 August 2020 -
Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)
Roach KE, Budiman-Mak E, Songsiridej N, Lertratanakul Y. Development of a shoulder pain and disability index. Arthritis Care Res. 1991 Dec;4(4):143-9.
PDF 34.16 kB 28 August 2020 -
Administration Staff: Work Capabilities Form
A form completed by a medical practitioner advising an administration staff's rehabilitation and return to work coordinator of workplace capabilities.
DOCX 46.31 kB 28 August 2020