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Provider Online - RTW Services Claim Referrals
A guide to using the 'Provider online' system for Return to work referrals
PDF 817.85 kB 28 August 2020 -
The Role of Supervisors in Return to Work
Presentation slides including examples
PDF 1.5 MB 28 August 2020 -
Queensland Guidelines for standard for rehabilitation
Second edition; 18 July 2016
PDF 626.23 kB 28 August 2020 -
Guidelines for the acceptance of an enforceable undertaking
WHS undertakings, electrical safety undertakings and recreational water activities health and safety undertakings are collectively referred to as an undertaking or enforceable undertaking (EU).
PDF 559.78 kB 25 July 2024 -
Labour hire agencies: Managing the safety of labour on-hired workers
Guide for labour hire agencies in managing the safety of on-hired workers.
PDF 297.17 kB 28 August 2020 -
MeToo and Workplace Health
Presentation by Bruce Watson and Janine Reid of Mullins Lawyers: 24 October 2018
PDF 1.6 MB 28 August 2020 -
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 Compliance and Enforcement Policy
The principles that underpin the approach OIR will take with all duty holders to monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Act.
PDF 597.35 kB 28 August 2020 -
Building stronger teams - Improving competencies activities
Activity sheet that is part of the mentally healthy workplace toolkit
PDF 94.12 kB 28 August 2020 -
work health and wellbeing interventions
Once you have identified chronic disease risks, you can use this tool to help you develop interventions to manage the risks. Interventions should be documented in an action plan.
PDF 258.46 kB 28 August 2020 -
PErforM resource manual for workplace trainers
the full manual for preparing and delivering the PErforM program in your workplace (43 pages). Includes worksheets, tools, guidelines and evaluation process. A highly recommended and practical program.
PDF 501.51 kB 28 August 2020 -
OIR Complaints Management Policy
Complaints received are dealt with fairly, promptly and in an efficient and confidential manner.
PDF 586.04 kB 28 August 2020 -
Preventing and responding to occupational violence
Work-related violence is any incident where a person is abused, threatened or assaulted at work.
PDF 387.61 kB 28 August 2020