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  • Campaign

    Safety Advocates

    Our Safety Advocates highlight the personal impacts that an injury can have on workers and their families.

  • Campaign

    Work Well Awards 2023

    More than 111 organisations and individuals entered this year’s Work Well Awards, demonstrating their dedication to making Queensland workplaces healthier and safer. Congratulations to the 2023 winners and finalists.

  • Campaign

    Mental Health Week

    Mental Health Week, celebrated annually in October, promotes the importance of mental health and wellbeing and aims to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

  • Video

    Scott's story

    When Scott injured his thumb on a machine at work, having support from his family, WorkCover and his employer helped him get back to work and a sense of normality.

  • Statistics

    Regulator legislative updates

    Workers' compensation and return to work data and information is available from a number of sources.

  • Video

    Preventing workers falling from trucks

    This workers’ Compensation Regulator webinar outlines the purpose of suitable duties programs and how they can assist in getting better return to work outcomes.

  • Video

    People at work: The Burstows experience

    This film shows how a Toowoomba based funeral home, Burstows, successfully implemented the 'People at Work' process in order to decrease these risks to workers.

  • Video

    Gathering information for a common law claim

    If you have decided to proceed with a common law claim, the next step is gathering information to support your claim.

  • Form

    Form 29 - superceded by Form 17 - Review of decision

    Form 29 is superceded by Form 17. Form 17 allows a business or indiviual to apply for an internal review of a decision under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, Electrical Safety Act 2002 or Safety in Recreational Water Activities Act 2011.

  • Video

    Shining the light on workplace health conditions

    Hear from Dr Elizabeth Pritchard, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, on the latest research around work health and chronic disease, and the impacts this can have on workers. This presentation was part of the Healthy Work Design forum held on 22 March 2023.

  • Forever young – Tim's story

    Forever young (DVD available on request) highlights the impact of Tim Martin's death at 17 after he received an electric shock at work.

  • Video

    Regulating Mentally Healthy Workplaces

    This livestreamed session explores common event based and accumulative psychosocial hazards and factors in the design or management of work that increases the risk of psychological or physical harm, the types of controls you could consider and what ‘reasonably practicable’ means.