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    Kerryn’s story – suppliers and importers of electrical equipment

    If you supply or import electrical equipment you have a legal responsibility to ensure it’s safe. Kerryn O’Connor lost her life because the pump she was using hadn’t been designed, manufactured or tested to Australian safety standards.

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    Quad bike safety films

    Never assume your quad bike is the best tool for every task. Before jumping on your quad bike, give some thought to whether it is the right tool for the task.

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    The right support makes all the difference to recovery

    Youth Support Worker Steve Coleman suffered high burnout over a protracted period when working in the youth sector dealing with complex, trauma-based behaviours in young people.

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    ALL ABOARD! Greyhound’s journey to improve safety

    Follow Greyhound’s journey to improve safety. Greyhound’s participation in the Injury Prevention and Management Program (IPaM), has resulted in a significant drop in injury rates and improved their workplace safety culture. Check out this new film to see how Greyhound's commitment to safety could help at your workplace.

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    Electrical safety in the community webinar

    The Electrical safety in the community webinar will help community members understand how to live safely around electricity – in their home and workplace!

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    Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of work related mental health conditions

    In this webinar Professor Danielle Mazza from Monash University will discuss the importance of managing mental illness and what they are doing to produce clinical guidelines to assist in the area.

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    Crate to crate - A solution for cross loading cattle

    This film showcases an industry-led solution to a work health and safety problem.

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    Safe systems to immobilise heavy vehicles and trailers

    The film shows how to safely immobilise trucks and trailers to prevent your workers being crushed or hit while working on them or nearby.

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    Safely immobilising heavy vehicles and trailers webinar

    Queensland workers have been seriously injured or killed from a heavy vehicle or trailer not being effectively immobilised. This webinar hosted provided background on the 2016 "safely immobilising heavy vehicles and trailers" campaign. This webinar includes known risks, suggests control measures and resources available for the transport industry.

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    Good work design

    Ensuring health and safety by good work design is essential to maintaining your business's productivity and success, its safety record, and to engage and motivate your workers through positive interaction.

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    The right start - building safe work for young workers

    As a supervisor or manager of a young worker, you have the greatest influence on their attitude to work safety. This means ensuring an appropriate level of supervision relevant to the tasks that they are performing.