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  • Video

    Hand injuries rehabilitation and timeframes

    Hands are complex. Dr Cameron Mackay, hand surgeon and plastic reconstructive surgeon explains the doctor’s role in managing hand injuries.

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    Building bridges – Jed's story

    Building bridges tells the story of Jed Millen, who experienced a career-ending and permanent back injury after a bridge deck collapse.

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    Let's work on mentally healthy workplaces

    Let’s work on building the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of workers to be resilient and thrive at work.

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    Mendi Construction

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    Workplace bullying: Issues at common law

    WorkCover hosted a webinar presented by Bill Rogers from Crown Law on Wednesday 27 August 2014.

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    Griffith University

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    Introduction to workplace health and safety

    A trailer showing how Workplace Health and Safety Queensland assists industry in reducing injuries and fatalities in the workplace.

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    Buildsafe Queensland

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    Safety fundamentals - consultation

    Workplace consultation is essential to managing health and safety risks in your workplace. This two-way exchange between you and your workers has benefits to you, your business and your workers by establishing openness, respect and trust.

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    Influencing the safety of young workers

    Explore how an understanding of the mind and risk profiles of young workers can influence their health, safety and return to work.

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    Workplace bullying and harassment claims and reasonable management action

    In this webinar recording, WorkCover Queensland Senior Lawyer, Tim Loos, welcomes guest presenters Damien van Brunschot, David McGrath and Sally Noye, of DWF, to discuss workplace bullying and harassment claims and reasonable management action. DWF also talk through some case examples on these topics, and provide practical insights and tips to assist employers in the prevention and management of these claims.

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    Case study – Integrating health, safety and wellbeing

    Hear insights from Ben Saal, General Manager Health, Safety and Environment, Powerlink Queensland, on the integration of health safety and wellbeing and how this approach can lead to improved safety, return to work and business outcomes. This presentation was part of the Healthy Work Design forum held on 22 March 2023.