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  • Video

    The right start - shaping a culture of safety for young workers

    Supervisors and managers influence the health and safety of young workers through good work design. Good work design for young workers includes effective induction and training, appropriate supervision and feedback, and support and mentoring.

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    Preventing workers falling from trucks

    Falls from trucks are a serious risk for workers. The film shows how, with the right controls in place it can reduce the risk of a fall for your workers.

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    Managing your drivers' safety at delivery points

    Transport drivers are exposed to various risks and site-specific hazards when they make deliveries to unfamiliar sites or when the site conditions change. The film identifies ways to control the risks to prevent an injury to your workers.

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    Safe systems to immobilise heavy vehicles and trailers

    The film shows how to safely immobilise trucks and trailers to prevent your workers being crushed or hit while working on them or nearby.

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    Work health - strengthens your business

    Port of Brisbane shares their experience with work health and wellbeing and how it has helped strengthen their businesses.

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    Port of Brisbane - work health strengthens your business

    Port of Brisbane shares their experience with work health and wellbeing and how it has helped strengthen their businesses.

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    Working on a safer Queensland

    This film shows the proactive and participative side of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland's activities.

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    Safely loading and unloading elevating work platforms

    This film explains how to control the risks of loading and unloading elevating work platforms (EWPs) onto tilt trays.

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    No sprains, big gains

    It pays to be safe and healthy at work. Many employers and workers become complacent about manual tasks without any thought of it in their respective workplaces.

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    Introduction to workplace health and safety

    A trailer showing how Workplace Health and Safety Queensland assists industry in reducing injuries and fatalities in the workplace.

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    ALL ABOARD! Greyhound’s journey to improve safety

    Follow Greyhound’s journey to improve safety. Greyhound’s participation in the Injury Prevention and Management Program (IPaM), has resulted in a significant drop in injury rates and improved their workplace safety culture. Check out this new film to see how Greyhound's commitment to safety could help at your workplace.

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    A clean sheet - the Holy Cross Laundry story

    Holy Cross Laundry has set a new benchmark in the laundry industry. By working with the Injury Prevention and Management (IPaM) team they were able to design out many of the risks that existed in the old plant at Wooloowin when they moved their operations to the new location at Banyo.