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    Kids on kids’ bikes

    Adult-sized quad bikes are too large for kids to handle.

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    Giada and Matteo’s story

    Giada, a gelato maker at La Macelleria Gelateria, required surgery after being diagnosed with repetitive strain injury.

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    Diversity and inclusion for mentally healthy workplaces

    Catherine Lee, Director and Founding partner of Lethbridge Piper and Associates, shares insights on how neurodivergent workers may experience risk at work differently from their neurotypical co-workers – and what you can do to ensure you are making workplaces safer, healthier, and more inclusive for neurodivergent workers.

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    Imagining a Workplace Without Burnout: New Findings and a roadmap to prevention

    Industrial/Organisational psychologist Dr John Chan (Managing Director at Infinite Potential), and wellbeing and burnout expert, researcher, and speaker Sally Clarke (Co Director at Human Leaders) shares the latest findings from the 2022 Global Burnout Study and discuss the misalignment between much hyped burnout prevention strategies and the root causes of burnout. The discussion offers practical advice on what organisations can do to drive attraction and retention through burnout mitigation.

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    Shifting the Dial on the regulation of mental health at work

    In this webinar, you will hear from Office of Industrial Relations Executive Directors Janene Hillhouse (Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services) and Yasmin Cox (Specialised Health and Safety Services) as they explore ways that they are shifting the dial for mental health.

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    Suicide prevention for at-risk industries

    This session delves into the stigma of mental health - and suicide prevention for at-risk industries. Panellist Darius Boyd and Justin Geange shares some insight into their own mental health journey, what it takes to talk about mental health issues and how to take the initial steps towards recovery. They are joined by Connie Galati, Senior Clinical Psychologist from the APS, who shares insight into workforce literacy, capability and expertise in mental health and suicide prevention including learnings from their APS Mental Health Capability Framework.

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    Regulating Mentally Healthy Workplaces

    This livestreamed session explores common event based and accumulative psychosocial hazards and factors in the design or management of work that increases the risk of psychological or physical harm, the types of controls you could consider and what ‘reasonably practicable’ means.

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    Warren's story

    For Warren Adams, a line haul driver and a 30-year veteran of the road transport industry, trucking is more than a vocation.

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    Developing suitable duties to support a worker with psychological injury

    In this webinar you will hear from industry experts on developing suitable duties to support a worker with a psychological injury. The speakers will take you through using an integrated approach to exploring psychological hazards which can increase the risk of harm and key elements of successful rehabilitation and return to work. They will also include some examples of effective suitable duties to support a worker with respect to staying at work or returning to work.

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    Consultation and collaboration with health and safety representatives

    Good consultation with your workers improves health and safety. One way you can consult with your workers on these issues is through health and safety representatives (HSRs). They represent the health and safety interests of a work group and can raise these issues with their employer.