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    The risk is real - one safety switch may not be enough.

    The risk is real - one safety switch may not be enough.

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    Electrical arc flash

    Safety film produced by the Electrical Safety Office highlights the serious dangers of electrical arc flashes.

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    Electrical exclusion zones

    Contact with powerlines can result in death or serious injury for a worker. Supervisors and workers should assess the risks of working near overhead powerlines or underground electric lines before work commences.

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    Kerryn’s story – community

    Kerryn O’Connor was just 35 years old when she was electrocuted by a faulty pump that hadn’t been designed, manufactured or tested to Australian safety standards.

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    Arc flash safety – Mark’s story

    Experienced electrician Mark was badly burnt by an arc flash while working on a commercial switchboard. He spent three weeks in hospital and couldn't work for three months.

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    Managing the risks of high fault current

    Senior Inspector Mark Pocock discusses the risks of working around high fault current.

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    Kerryn’s story – suppliers and importers of electrical equipment

    If you supply or import electrical equipment you have a legal responsibility to ensure it’s safe. Kerryn O’Connor lost her life because the pump she was using hadn’t been designed, manufactured or tested to Australian safety standards.

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    NOJA Power

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    Jason's story

    Jason’s story is a confronting look at the heartache of losing a son to a preventable workplace incident. Jason Garrels died at just 20.

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    Electrical safety for apprentices

    The Electrical safety for apprentices film is aimed at both apprentices and supervising tradespeople to help to build the capabilities of apprentices to be safe and productive at work. Find out how to give your apprentice the best support, training and mentoring within your business.

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