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Electrical Safety Office Certificate of Currency
Use this template to generate a certificate of currency (insurance) for your business.
Performers return to work checklist
Performers' return to work checklist and plan.
Dive plan for diving work
Dive plans set out the way diving will be carried out to ensure the participant’s health and safety. The dive plan should assist with the implementation of control measures that have been selected during the risk management process.
Bus driver self-assessment tool
Review the effectiveness and adequacy of your existing risk management approach forclient aggression and violence risks.
Electrical safety checklist
CWA electrical safety checklist (1 page).
Recreational snorkelling compliance checklist
Recreational snorkelling compliance checklist
General diving work compliance checklist
Use this example to develop a tool for your business to assess your levels of compliance.
Work health and safety management plan assessment report
Use this template to capture the details of a work health and safety (WHS) management plan's assessment by an accredited auditor. These plans provide an important link between the contractor’s occupational health and safety management system, and the construction activities undertaken on site (17 pages).
Site safety climate survey
As part of the management team's Safety Leadership Challenge, a survey is being conducted about your experiences in the workplace.
Cranes audit - Inspector Assessment Tool
This is the nine page tool for the 2014 cranes audit.
Registered training organisations approved to provide white card training
A regularly updated list of providers.