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Showing 1-12 of 138 results with 2 filters
Project plan template
Safety Leadership Challenge - a blank, basic plan (with milestones) for your leadership challenge project.
Sample guardrail installation checklist
Sample guardrail installation checklist. Guardrail system handover installation checklist.
Sample engineering certification letter for guardrail system
An example letter template for engineering certification of a guardrail system.
Site safety climate survey
As part of the management team's Safety Leadership Challenge, a survey is being conducted about your experiences in the workplace.
Lead paint removal (residential) audit checklist
This checklist will help a person conducting a business or undertaking to comply with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.
Principal contractor or building owner swing stage statement
Checklist form for the principal contractor or building owner to declare the set up and use of the swing stage.
HWSA – Scaffolding checklist
For use in your business
HWSA – Suspended Scaffolding – site visit checklist
HWSA - suspended scaffolding - site visit checklist.
Competent person benchmarks for swing stage verification
Guidance on the minimum benchmarks for competent persons to verify that swing stage installations comply with the engineer's specification, other than for the initial verification.
Swing stage suspension system verification statement
Guide on inspecting swing stage suspension systems.
Checklist - planning the safe set-up and operation of earthmoving equipment
Use this checklist to help manage the risks of earthmoving.
Tips for hazardous manual task training
Tips for hazardous manual task training in construction. Includes guidelines on risks, prevention, reporting, and record keeping (4 pages).