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Steering Healthy Minds
A collaboration by the Transport Industry Mental Health Initiative (TIMHI), Steering Healthy Minds has identified three main areas of focus – normalising, promoting and supporting the mental health of workers in the transport industry.
Safe work method statements
A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) documents a process for identifying and controlling health and safety hazards and risks. PCBU must prepare a safe work method statement prior to commencing any high risk construction work.
Preventing injuries in poultry processing
With the rate of time-lost compensation claims in poultry processing nearly double the Queensland average, research into injury prevention in the industry was recently undertaken.
Declaring wages for labour hire companies
As a labour hire company, your premium is calculated based on the wages information you supply. You'll need to identify the business activities for your clients to accurately declare your wages.
Duties of high voltage electrical installation owners and operators
A high voltage (HV) electrical installation is a group of items of electrical equipment permanently connected that can be supplied with electricity from an electricity entity or from a generating source at voltages greater than 1000V ACRMS or 1500V ripple-free DC.
Household workers' insurance policy guide
A guide to your household workers' insurance policy cover and conditions.
Role of a qualified technical person
All electrical work performed by a licensed electrical contractor must be performed or supervised by a qualified technical person (QTP) who is endorsed on the licence (2 pages).
Transport industry infographic postcard
Printable statistical overview of industry
The Regulator’s response to occupational lung disease - Presentation Slides
The Regulator’s response to occupational lung disease - presentation deck by Brad Bick of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Massage services factsheet
Safety at work is everyone's right - poster/factsheet/checklist.
Farm safety
Practical solutions to six common causes of injury in the rural industry.