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Update on compliance and enforcement of asbestos laws - Presentation Slides
Presentation slides by Dr Peter McGarry PhD, A/Director (Asbestos Unit) and Chief Safety Advisor (Asbestos).
Construction industry case study - Presentation Slides
Gelly Augostis, HBW Construction
Asbestos industry case study - Presentation Slides
Natalie Barber, Asbestos Disease Support Society
Health and Safety Solution - Using forklift attachments
Health and Safety Solution - using forklift attachments.
On-tool extraction and dry cutting research - Presentation slides
Dr Martin Stirling, Hilti - slide presentation.
Helmets for quad bikes and side-by side vehicles
Use of helmets when operating quad bikes
Concrete pumping plant issues
Concrete pumping plant has a high risk level therefore it is extremely important to use plant that is manufactured and maintained to high standards.
Labour hire codes - all industries
WIC allocation
Work health and safety for taxi drivers and operators
Work health and safety information for taxi drivers and operators in Queensland
Conditions of accreditation as an assessor for high risk work classes
Assessors must be familiar with the conditions and understand the requirements before conducting assessments or undertaking assessment administrative requirements.