Case studies
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The home: another place of employment where workplace injuries can occur
Working from home creates an additional place of employment in which the employer must take steps to do what is reasonably practicable to ensure the health and safety of their workers.
21 March 2024 -
Tamara's story
Tamara shared with us what motivates her to foster a supportive return to work culture and help YFS employees when they are injured.
17 November 2022 -
Keith and Thomas’s Story
Iceworld CEO Keith shares how he turned things around for both Thomas and the business in this case study.
17 November 2022 -
Safety leadership and culture stories
Hear from safety leaders sharing their experience building and maintaining a positive safety culture in their workplace.
10 December 2019 -
IPAM films
These films showcase the Injury Prevention and Management program and highlight benefits for employers.
18 September 2019 -
Injury Prevention and Management case studies
Case Studies to help employers establish and maintain effective injury prevention and management systems.
20 September 2018 -
Holy Cross Laundry
Holy Cross Laundry has improved their stay at work and their claim durations have decreased following their participation in the IPaM program.
21 July 2016 -
People at Work - Holy Cross Services
Holy Cross Services, a not-for-profit organisation, is using the People at Work platform to assess and improve workplace conditions. In this video, Cameron, their Learning and Development Advisor, shares how the program’s tools are helping to identify training gaps, improve communication, and create a safer, more inclusive environment for all employees.
15 January 2025 -
Vehicles as a Workplace - Work Health and Safety Case Study
Big Firm Electrics
PDF 206.94 kB 1 September 2022 -
Return on investment: CB group
Over five years the return on investment for the CB Group investment in an upgraded WHS system is $3.22 of benefit for every $1 of cost.
PDF 123.83 kB 28 August 2020 -
Manual task case study: Maintaining the internal lining of furnaces - Bradken
Case study about how Bradken applied the PErforM program to reduce the manual-tasks risks of maintaining the internal lining of furnaces.
PDF 117.75 kB 28 August 2020 -
The Scooter Group - a case study on restructuring safety
A case study highlighing a top performing business and their safety practices following the MSBI.
PDF 125.4 kB 28 August 2020