Case studies
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Manual task case study: Maintaining the internal lining of furnaces - Bradken
Case study about how Bradken applied the PErforM program to reduce the manual-tasks risks of maintaining the internal lining of furnaces.
PDF 117.75 kB 28 August 2020 -
The Scooter Group - a case study on restructuring safety
A case study highlighing a top performing business and their safety practices following the MSBI.
PDF 125.4 kB 28 August 2020 -
Zero Harm at Work case study_Energex Sun Safety
This case study is on skin cancer prevention in an outdoor workplace.
PDF 171.64 kB 28 August 2020 -
Mental Health and the Law - Presentation Slides
Presentation slides by Michael Tooma, Managing Partner – Australia Clyde & Co (Mental Health Forum, October 2019). Include legal case studies.
PDF 307.96 kB 28 August 2020 -
The Supervisor's Tale: the tools supervisors have to do their job and some legal case studies
A supervisor’s tool kit is a series of legal and organisational tools that are underwritten by the organisation and offer a supervisor clarity of purpose and execution. Presentation slides by Andrew Douglas, 15 October 2019
PDF 360.58 kB 28 August 2020 -
Peter Gould Redland City Council case study
Case study on proactively integrating work health and wellbeing
PDF 794.56 kB 28 August 2020 -
ROI Rexel electrical case study
Over a five year period, the investment made by Rexel is estimated to provide a return on investment of around $1.82 of benefits for every $1 of expenditure.
PDF 123.37 kB 28 August 2020 -
Young Worker Training Initiative - Mirvac Construction
Zero harm at Work Leadership Program case study - Mirvac Construction (Queensland) Pty Ltd and their approach to the needs of young workers including trainees and apprentices.
PDF 146.24 kB 28 August 2020 -
Workplace health and wellbeing action plan: A case study
Action plan example. Use this as a guide to completing your own action plan.
DOC 167.94 kB 28 August 2020 -
Zero Harm at Work Leadership Program Watpac Limited case study
This case study outlines Watpac Limited's safety calendar and poster initiative.
PDF 201.67 kB 28 August 2020