Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors set the strategic direction for WorkCover and tracks its performance to ensure the business meets its targets as set out in our Statement of corporate intent.
The statutory role and requirements of the Board are set out in section 427 of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 and chapter 8 outlines the powers and functions. The Board consists of nine independent non-executive Directors. The Governor-in-Council is responsible for selecting the Directors, based on their experience and knowledge, and determining their remuneration.
The Board reports to the Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and Minister for Industrial Relations. The Board Charter specifies the role and responsibilities of the Board in detail.
A Risk and Audit Committee is also in place to assist the Board in monitoring WorkCover's systems of internal control and ensure integrity of the financial reporting process. The role and responsibilities of the committee are set out in the Risk and Audit Committee Charter.
Judy has extensive experience at senior levels in government leading the strategy, policy and operational management of workplace health and safety and in strategic policy and planning roles in the vocational education and training system and child safety. Judy has been employed by the Queensland Resources Council since 2012 and is currently the Deputy Chief Executive and oversees the Community and Safety policy areas. She is also a Trustee Board Director of MineSuper and served for nine years as a Director on the Board of Deaf Services Queensland.
Kerriann has worked in the field of industrial and mental health social work since 1999. She has overseen the development and operations at a number of industrial advisory programs for vulnerable people including Working Women Queensland, Young Workers Advisory Service and Domestic Violence Work Aware. Kerriann is a Branch Councillor with the Social and Community Services Division of The services Union and works as a workplace consultant and educator in the public and not-for-profit sectors.
Stephen is a non-Executive Director, Chair, Committee Member and Managing Director with 35 years’ experience as the owner of businesses and over 9 years’ Board level experience across private and not for profit sectors. Currently Stephen is a non-executive Director of Master Builders Queensland, Chair of the Housing committee, and a member of multiple subcommittees including Audit and Risk, and Remuneration. At an executive level, Stephen is Managing Director of Garth Chapman Queenslanders SEQ, a boutique design and construct building company, a position held since 1999. Previously, he held the Chair and Deputy Chair positions on a not-for-profit Board (education sector).
Sarah Morris is Executive Manager – Strategy and Finance at TUH Health Fund. Sarah has held senior and executive positions with several organisations across defence services, finance, insurance, resources and professional services industries. She is a former state and national councillor of the Governance Institute of Australia and is the current WorkCover Risk and Audit Committee Chair.
Sandra is an experienced non-executive director, with skills in finance, investments, ESG and energy. She is currently a non-executive director and chair of the Investment Committee at Australian Ethical (ASX:AEF) , a non-executive director at Sydney Dance Company, and chair of the Clayfield College Foundation. Sandra is also a Corporate Governance Committee member of the New Zealand Stock Exchange. Sandra was previously a trustee of QSuper, including chairing its Investment Committee, in the lead-up to its merger with SunSuper to create Australian Retirement Trust. In her executive career, Sandra worked for several energy companies including Energex, before moving into roles in investment banking including Head of Utilities Equities Research and ESG Research at Credit Suisse. Sandra is a member of Chief Executive Women and is on their Membership Committee.
Stacey is the Secretary of The Australian Workers’ Union of Employees, Queensland and the Branch Secretary of The Australian Workers’ Union (Queensland Branch). In both industrial advocacy and elected union positions, Stacey has represented the interests of Queensland workers for nearly 20 years. Stacey has previously served on the Executive of the Australian Council of Trade Unions and is a current Director on the Board of Chifley Services Pty Ltd. She holds a Bachelor of Business degree majoring in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations.
Cresta Richardson is the president of QTU, representing 48,000 members in schools. She has had a lengthy teaching career, primarily in rural Queensland. Cresta serves on the board of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD). She has achieved an Executive Certificate in Public Leadership from the Harvard Kennedy School.