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Procurement policy


WorkCover Queensland (WorkCover) is required to comply with the Queensland Procurement Policy (QPP) when undertaking procurement activities. The QPP establishes a framework that maximises the benefits that can be delivered through procurement.

The QPP principles centre on:

  • achieve value for money
  • apply a responsible public procurement approach
  • behave ethically, and embed integrity, probity and accountability
  • be leaders in procurement practice
  • collaborate for more effective outcomes
  • support strong governance and planning.

Procurement governance

WorkCover is responsible for managing procurement activities efficiently, effectively and economically, and ensuring accountability for decisions. WorkCover is also obligated to conduct procurement in accordance with the:

  • Financial Accountability Act 2009
  • Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019
  • Public Sector Ethics Act 1994
  • Competition and Consumers Act 2010
  • Queensland Procurement Policy 2023
  • Queensland Indigenous Procurement Policy (QIPP)
  • Ethical Supplier Mandate 2024.

Probity, accountability and transparency

As a principle of the QPP, procurement must be conducted ethically, honestly and with fairness to all participants. Accountability for outcomes is about being able to explain, or account for, how the purchase has achieved its anticipated outcomes. Our decisions are transparent when they are documented and defensible.

WorkCover contracts awarded with a total value of over $10,000 are published on the Queensland Government Procurement (QGP) website. Forward Procurement Notices (FPN) will be published where it will benefit the supply market or deliver better value for money outcomes.


Privacy is to be maintained in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 when obtaining personal and private information about individuals and businesses.


Complaints received from a supplier or member of the public in relation to the purchasing activities of WorkCover should be addressed to the Procurement team by emailing Where a satisfactory resolution is not possible, external suppliers are able to escalate via the Complaints Process on WorkCover's website.