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Social media code of conduct

Social media page rules

The Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ), Electrical Safety Office (ESO), Support for families of workplace fatalities, illness and injuries and Return to Work (RTW) social media accounts offer support and assistance to help reduce the risk of workers being injured or killed on the job. As this page is an open forum any comments, posts or messages that we consider to constitute any of the below will be hidden or deleted from the page.

The WHSQ, ESO and RTW accounts are monitored by the Office of Industrial Relations (OIR), by joining these accounts you have agreed to adhere to the following comment and message policy.

All OIR social media accounts are monitored from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Comment and message policy

When contributing to this page do not post any material that contains:

  • personal information about you or another individual (including identifying information, email addresses, phone numbers or private addresses)
  • false representation of another individual, organisation, government or entity
  • promotion of a product, business, company or organisation
  • hate speech, bullying or harassment
  • profanity, obscenity or vulgarity
  • comments/ messages that could be considered prejudicial, racist or inflammatory
  • nudity or offensive imagery in profile pictures
  • defamation to a person, people or business
  • name calling and/or personal attacks
  • comments/ messages whose main purpose are to sell a product
  • comments that infringe on copyrights
  • spam comments/ messages from individuals or groups, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile
  • false representation of another individual, organisation, government or entity
  • promotion of a product, business, company or organisation

The Office of Industrial Relations retains the right to remove or block any content that does not comply with our comment and message policy or that the OIR social media team deems inappropriate.

Repeated violations of the OIR social media comment and message policy may cause the author to be blocked from the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, Electrical Safety Office, Support for the Families and/or the Return to Work social media accounts.

Office of Industrial Relations employees should refer to the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service on the website.

Please contact if you have any questions.