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Deemed to comply conditions

Some electrical devices need to be installed and used in a certain way for them to be compliant.

The conditions that need to be met are described below.

Un-switched socket outlets provide a convenient and safe method for connecting certain items of electrical equipment such as luminaires and exhaust fans, to fixed wiring in many electrical installations.


Un-switched socket outlets on construction wiring.

The Electrical Safety Office (ESO) and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) considers that un-switched socket outlets installed on construction wiring are deemed to comply when installed and used in accordance with the following conditions:


Un-switched socket outlets installed on construction wiring must be installed in accordance with:

Note: AS/NZS3012 does not prohibit the use of un-switched socket outlets.

In particular un-switched socket outlets must be:

  • rated at no more than 10 amps
  • installed at a height of no less than two metres from the ground, floor or platform.


  • Un-switched socket outlets must only be used to supply luminaires (light fittings), or fixed or stationary appliances.
  • Principal contractors or persons with management or control of a construction workplace must ensure that un-switched socket outlets are not used to supply portable or hand-held appliances.
  • Portable or hand-held appliances, such as portable power tools or free-standing pedestal fans, must only be supplied by switched socket outlets.
  • ESO and WHSQ consider freestanding portable lighting (see images below) to be portable appliances.

Portable lightingPortable lighting

Portable lighting.