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For workers

Workers play an important role in ensuring safe and healthy workplaces.

The Code is a helpful resource for workers who may experience harm from psychosocial hazards at work.

For example, Part 5 of the Code outlines the process that a worker can follow if they have a complaint or issue about psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

The Code and Regulations cover workers, contractors, subcontractors, outworkers, the self-employed, apprentices and trainees, work experience students, and volunteers.

While at work, workers must:

  • take reasonable care for their own work health and safety
  • ensure their actions or lack of action does not harm others, and
  • follow reasonable health and safety instructions, policies or procedures. If workers believe these are not adequate, they should provide this feedback, in a reasonable way, to their supervisor or HSR(s).

For example, workers should behave fairly and reasonably when working with others, (e.g. be respectful at work and follow the organisation’s policies and procedures, including those to manage the risk of bullying, and harassment including sexual harassment).

WHSQ provides information and resources to workers about health and safety, including psychological health.

WHSQ also helps workers by making sure that PCBUs follow health and safety laws.

If a health and safety issue cannot be resolved at the workplace level, a worker can ask WHSQ for help resolving the issue.

Download the role of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland in work-related psychosocial complaints to learn more (PDF, 0.19 MB).

Individual workers should report psychosocial hazards directly with management or with their Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) who can raise issues on behalf of a work group.

Early reporting of psychosocial hazards is encouraged so hazards can be managed before they cause harm.

There are various ways workers may report or raise psychosocial hazards, including:

  • discussions with supervisors
  • incident report forms
  • emails or mobile text messages
  • advising their HSR(s), WHS Committee, and/or union representatives
  • letters of complaint or grievance
  • medical certificates, or
  • workers’ compensation claims.

If a health and safety issue cannot be resolved at the workplace level, a worker can ask WHSQ for help resolving the issue.

Part 5 of the Code has further information about dispute resolution and the steps that should be followed.

Workers are entitled to elect a HSR to represent them in the workplace about health and safety matters.

HSRs have a specific role to:

  • represent members of their work group in matters relating to work health and safety
  • monitor the measures taken by the PCBU or their representative to comply with the WHS Act in relation to workers in their work group
  • investigate complaints from members of the work group relating to work health and safety, and
  • inquire into anything that appears to be a risk to the health or safety of workers in their work group, arising from the conduct of the business or undertaking.

If you or a colleague are feeling depressed, stressed or anxious there are services to help.

  • Lifeline – 24/7 crisis support service, including phone, texting and chat services.
  • Beyond Blue – information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone in Australia.
  • Black Dog Institute – research and resources on mental health in the workplace.
  • SANE – helpline service, as well as resources on mental health.