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New resource! Guiding the way: responding to mental injury at work

As an employer, how you respond to a worker’s mental injury is critical.

Evidence shows that when a worker is recovering from a work-related psychological injury, their health outcomes can be significantly poorer compared to a worker recovering from a physical injury. A worker with a psychological injury is at greater risk of a delayed recovery and return to work due to increased psychological distress, including symptoms of anxiety and depression and comorbid conditions.

Offering support to workers with a psychological injury supports better recovery outcomes and helps your worker feel less isolated. It also makes good business sense. Every $1 invested in mentally healthy workplaces returns up to $2.30 in reduced absenteeism and compensation.

Are you confident responding to a worker who is experiencing a work-related mental injury or poor mental health? Follow the five steps and download Guiding the way resources including a desktop background/screensaver, email signature, poster and postcard.