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Workers’ Memorial Day special edition

Work-related fatalities, worker illness and workers with serious work-related injuries: connecting with others directly impacted

Assisting someone affected by a work-related fatality, illness or serious injury is complex. For some workers, knowing there are other people who may have gone through something similar can be helpful. The Consultative Committee for Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Incidents (the committee) is a group of committed individuals who may offer such a contact point for workers seriously injured while undertaking their work.

The committee:

The committee is made up of individuals with their own lived experience of work-related death, serious injury or illness. All current members have either suffered the loss of a loved one or have a family member who has been seriously injured through a work-related incident. Committee members come from across Queensland and their experiences cross different industries.

Committee members are appointed by the Queensland Minister responsible for Industrial Relations. The purpose and role of the committee is embedded within the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.


The purpose of the committee is to consult with government and non-government organisations to provide recommendations to the Minister for Industrial Relations about the information and support needs of people impacted by work-related deaths, serious injuries and illness. This is particularly relevant when formal investigations are commenced into those incidents by the relevant government regulator.

The committee meets quarterly to also advocate the prioritisation of work health and safety to prevent others from experiencing the grief of losing a loved one or having anyone suffer a serious illness or injury following a workplace incident. The committee seeks to ensure the benefits of collaborating with people with ‘lived experience’ are embraced and the needs of those affected by work-related fatalities and serious injuries are met.

How to contact:

If you are aware of someone who has been seriously injured while undertaking work, please share the committee’s contact details if you think they might:

  • have an important matter to raise with the committee
  • be interested to know more about the work of the committee
  • consider joining the committee.

Injured workers can reach out to the committee via the dedicated email or by phoning the committee’s Principal Advisor on 0417 910 130.

Sunday 28 April is Workers’ Memorial Day

Workers’ Memorial Day is a time to commemorate the lives lost from work-related injury or illness.

Workplace Health and Safety and the Consultative Committee for Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Incidents invites you to join them online on Sunday 28 April 2024 from 9.00am for Workers’ Memorial Day, commemorating lives lost from work-related injury or illness.

This online memorial service filmed prior to the day remembers the loved ones lost and strengthens our collective commitment to preventing work-related deaths, injuries and illnesses. We encourage you to share the link and invite your friends and family to remember those who have been lost.