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Administration officer – Professional services

An administration officer's role is predominantly deskbound completing computer tasks as required for the business.

Overall physical demand rating


Tasks and tools used

May perform any of the following duties:

  • computer work and emails
  • using phones
  • incoming and outgoing mail duties
  • filing
  • stationery and equipment orders (completing, distributing and storing away)
  • driving duties to collect stock, completing mail requirements and delivering stock and documents
  • carrying documents and suitcases to and from meetings (professional role)
  • client meetings (professional role)


  • ergonomic assessment on work station
  • manual handling training
  • completing regular breaks and stretches throughout the day
  • correct posture while sitting at your desk

Shift times

Shifts are generally during normal business hours although weekend and night work will be required dependant on business requirements.

Personal protective equipment

  • closed-in shoes
  • business attire

Physical environment

Office layout and reception area. May be required to drive on occasions to various offsite locations.

Critical physical job demands and other task requirements

Critical job demand descriptor% of time the task is performedTask
  • fine motor, e.g. computer work and writing
  • sitting, e.g. computer work, phone calls and meetings
  • grip, e.g. phones, computer mouse work, stationery and equipment orders (completing, distributing and storing away)
  • reaching/twisting, e.g. phones, computer mouse work
  • standing and walking, e.g. using the fax machine, interacting with clients
  • carrying/pushing/pulling/bending/squatting, e.g. filing and stationery and equipment orders (completing, distributing and storing away), incoming and outgoing mail duties
  • driving, e.g. driving duties to collect stock, completing mail requirements and deliver stock and documents
  • lifting <5kg, e.g. collecting and distributing mail, stationery and equipment orders (completing, distributing and storing away), putting boxes of paper away/carrying suitcases to and from meetings

Suitable duties

  • goals must be clear, realistic and achievable
  • must have 'buy-in' from the worker
  • worker helps to set the goals, and must be answerable if goals are not met (this allows barriers to return to work to be identified at an early stage and obstacles overcome)
  • workers need to understand they have an obligation to participate in rehabilitation and return to work as per Section 232 of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act).

Return to work suggestions

Worker can begin with light duties and include more tasks as their capacity for work changes. We'll work with all parties, including the treating medical provider, employer and worker to ensure everyone is aware of where the worker is with their rehabilitation and stay at, or return to work.

Note: some tasks are dependent on worker's injury and capacity, and some tasks may require the assistance of a co-worker.


Return to work can begin at home for those having difficulty with transport, medication or the injury prevents them from returning to work.

If the worker needs to take a break from their workplace, their rehabilitation can still begin at home. Tasks can include:

  • video on safety issues can be viewed (lying in bed if injury type requires)
  • computer-based programs, CDs or DVD on work-related subjects
  • phone-based work
  • emails
  • training
  • other worksite inductions
  • checking or auditing paperwork, e.g. helping the WHSO audit lost time injuries (LTIs) for a six-month period.

Host employment

In the event an employer is unable to provide suitable duties, a host placement may be required. If this is required, the worker may be placed at a different employer in a graduated return to work plan until they're able to 'upgrade' back to his/her pre-injury role with their pre-injury employer.

More return to work resources