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Independent review of Queensland workers’ compensation scheme out now

Every five years Queensland undertakes an independent review of the workers’ compensation scheme. Read the 2023 review report to understand the 54 recommendations made by the reviewers. Staying informed helps you forward plan and navigate the scheme.

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Why this is important

Every five years Queensland undertakes an independent review of the workers’ compensation scheme. The 2023 review is out now.

The reviewers spoke with a wide range of stakeholders including registered industrial organisations, employers, insurers, and the legal, medical and allied health professions.

The review showed that while the scheme is performing well, there are ways it can be improved to better help Queensland workers and businesses get the support they need if someone is injured as a result of their work.

A total of 54 recommendations were made by the reviewers, including recommendations designed to:

  • promote reductions in delays in the time taken to provide information and make decisions
  • address workplace issues that may be causing or worsening mental injuries
  • extend workers’ compensation coverage to insecure workers who may be exposed to uncompensated risk
  • increase early intervention and rehabilitation and return to work support for mental injury claims.

What actions are we taking now?

A stakeholder reference group has been established to work with the Office of Industrial Relations on the development of policy proposals.

This will be used to inform our response to the review, which will be published in 2024.

What actions can I take now?

Being aware of the recommendations helps you forward plan and navigate the scheme. Read the report and subscribe to keep updated on the implementation of the review.

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