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New guide to on-site traffic management

Managing how pedestrians and traffic co-exist in the workplace is a major and ongoing challenge in all types of industries. Incidents involving vehicles and powered mobile plant (such as forklifts) cause far too many serious injuries to workers and members of the public.

To help businesses manage these risks, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has produced a short animation highlighting typical workplace on-site traffic management (OSTM) risks - Managing traffic on site. Importantly, it gives practical steps businesses can take to manage these risks.

Managing traffic on site

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland inspectors are auditing workplace on-site traffic management compliance across the state—employers are encouraged watch the film to improve safety and achieve compliance. Following the steps outlined in this animation will help you to prepare for a visit from an inspector.

Further information

Download the Onsite traffic management self- assessment tool (PDF, 0.36 MB).

For more tailored assistance, you can contact one of our advisors through the Injury Prevention and Management (IPaM) program.