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New working in heat guide in time for summer

Working in heat can be hazardous and is a common cause of harm among Australian workers. Some common risks of working in heat include heat-related illness, dehydration, burns and reduced concentration.

Safe Work Australia has updated its guidance material on managing the risks of working in heat. The new guidance reflects changes made to the recommended first aid for heat stroke.

The guide provides practical tips and information for a person conducting a business or undertaking on how to manage the risks associated with working in heat, including information on first aid for heat-related illnesses that reflects updated medical advice. It highlights the common effects of working in heat and includes a risk management checklist and a first aid fact sheet.

The guide is useful for employers in industries where workers could be at risk of heat related illnesses:

  • transport
  • postal and warehousing
  • construction
  • public administration
  • safety industries
  • protective services.

Download the guide today

Further information

Read more about managing heat stress risks and you can use the short heat stress online calculator as a basic guide or training tool to help identify and manage the risks of heat related illness. For those who like listening to podcasts, tune into Dr. Matt Brearley who is a researcher and respected occupational heat stress consultant. He highlights the health consequences of heat, the seasonal patterns of harm and proven strategies to maximise worker health, safety and productivity.