Ninth release of exposure standards open for public comment
Safe Work Australia is evaluating the Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants to ensure they are based on the highest quality evidence and supported by a rigorous scientific approach.
As part of the ongoing review process, SWA is seeking public comments of a technical nature on the draft evaluation reports and recommendations for the workplace exposure standards (WES) throughout 2019 and 2020.
The feedback received will be considered when making final recommendations for workplace exposure standards.
Release 9 includes chemicals that were deferred from previous releases as well as chemicals that do not currently have an Australian workplace exposure standard. The chemicals in this release are:
*Chemicals that do not currently have an exposure standard
Please note evaluation reports for fenamiphos to hydrogenated terphelyls have been deferred to future releases.
Interested stakeholders can provide their for chemicals in Release 9 via SWA's consultation platform, Engage. Public comment is open until 3 January 2020.