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National guide to reduce work-related road fatalities

Vehicle use on public roads is the most significant contributor to work-related fatalities, according to new figures just published.

Safe Work Australia's Work-related traumatic Injury fatalities 2017 shows that 60 drivers or passengers died as a result of a work-related vehicle collision. There were a further 41 bystander fatalities where the death was a result of another person's work activity and who were not engaged in a work activity of their own at the time.

Over the past two years, Australian state and territory work health and safety and road safety authorities, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and other key stakeholders have developed a guide for businesses, organisations and individuals who use vehicles for work purposes on Australian or New Zealand roads.

The guide applies a risk management process and other work health and safety principles to vehicle use for work-related purposes. It is designed to assist PCBUs and others to manage exposure of their workers and others to road traffic hazards in line with work health and safety and road traffic safety legislative requirements.

Organisations from all industries should take time to review the extent and types of work-related vehicle use by workers in their organisation.

Further information

Vehicles as a Workplace: a WHS Guide (PDF, 1.05 MB)  and more guidance is at