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News from the Commissioner for Electrical Safety - Keith McKenzie

Over the recent months there have been a number of serious electrical events occurring in the rural sector. All could have been prevented.

I encourage everyone working in the rural industry to spend a few minutes and familiarise yourselves with the Electrical Safety Office Website, and particularly the page about electrical hazards in regional and rural communities.

Many incidents occur where machinery and people encounter overhead powerlines.

It is vital that when working near overhead powerlines, you know where they are and what the exclusion zones are.

There are so many resources available to you.

Powerline Markers

Energy Qld (ERGON) can supply and install powerline markers for a small fee.

These will assist in making your powerlines visible to help prevent contact with them. While you may know where they are, if you are a working property, do your workers and contractors know?

Check out these resources on the Ergon website.

Heard about young worker Jason Daniels?

The Jason Daniels' story is about the young man surviving an electric shock from overhead powerlines; the film talks about how quickly life changed for Jason’s family when the grain auger he was moving contacted an overhead powerline.

Jason was lucky to live. And to quote Jason’s mum “life can change in a heartbeat”.

Electrical Equipment

With more people buying equipment online, there is a chance that the electrical equipment you could purchase doesn’t meet the Australian Standards and could pose a significant safety risk.

Visit the website to learn more about electrical equipment and the regulatory compliance mark (RCM). The RCM means the product has been tested, is compliant, and meets Australian Standards.

We can never be too complacent, and there is no such thing as a safe electrical shock. Your first shock could ultimately be your last.

Stay safe and be informed.