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New regulation improves quad bike safety

After industry consultation, the Work Health and Safety (Quad Bikes) Amendment Regulation 2024 commenced on 21 March 2024 and introduced mandatory safety measures for quad bike operators in the workplace.

The regulation does not apply to side-by-side vehicles or quad bikes used outside of a workplace.

Feedback received during consultation in 2022 emphasised the importance of helmets for safety, restricting children from operating adult-sized quad bikes, and limiting passenger carriage to designated vehicles.

The regulation mandates the following safety measures.


All riders, including passengers, must wear a fitted and fastened helmet while operating a quad bike.

Generally, helmets can be chosen based on the context in which a quad bike is used. Helmets that are considered appropriate for quad bikes include those compliant with AS/NZS1698, AS1698, ECE 22.05/06. An NZS 8600-02 compliant helmet may also be appropriate, but only if the speed of the quad bike does not exceed 30km/hr.

However, quad bike riders will need ‘approved motorbike helmets’ (as defined under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Road Rules) Regulation 2009) if quad bikes are used in places where separate legislation already requires approved motorbike helmets. These areas extend to roads or road-related areas, state forests or timber reserves, protected areas (other than nature refuges or special wildlife reserves) and recreation areas, as administered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation.

Age restriction

To ride a quad bike, operators must be at least 16 years of age, or the minimum age recommended by the manufacturer. This means that children under 16 are not allowed on adult-sized quad bikes and can only ride on age-appropriate quad bikes in workplaces.

Passenger restriction

Quad bikes cannot carry passengers, unless the vehicle is explicitly designed for passenger use, and the passenger is at least 16 years old or meets the minimum age recommended by the quad bike's manufacturer.

Enforcement and penalties

The regulation is enforced through the Office of Industrial Relations existing education, compliance and enforcement program. Penalties apply for non-compliance.

Further information

Read more on Quad bikes - Queensland farming’s biggest killer.