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Queensland’s electrical safety laws to be strengthened

The Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 was recently introduced into the Queensland Parliament to implement the first round of recommendations from the independent review of Queensland's Electrical Safety Act 2002.

Over the last 20 years, since the 2002 Act was introduced, the way Queenslanders have used and interacted with electricity has changed dramatically. These changes have also created new safety risks which need to be managed.

The Bill ensures Queensland's electrical safety laws remain contemporary and will capture new and emerging technologies.

Specifically, the Bill amends the Act's key definitions of electrical equipment and electrical installation. It allows certain prescribed extra low voltage equipment, to be captured in regulation as 'electrical equipment' where it is placing or may place persons or property at an electrical risk.

Items that may be considered include e-scooter or e-bike batteries, which will allow the Electrical Safety Office to respond to risks caused by these technologies in the community and will be subject to future consultation.

Further, the Bill clarifies the definition of electrical installation to capture new and emerging energy generation and storage systems. This makes clear the licensing requirements for working on these systems and ensures compliance with the Wiring Rules.

The Bill also implements a range of electrical safety recommendations to enhance operational efficiencies relating to the regulator, inspectorate, and the Work Health and Safety Prosecutor.

The Bill provides further enhancements to the Work Health and Safety Act and implements the three recommendations from the recent independent Industrial Manslaughter Review.

Further information

Visit the electrical safety laws page to stay updated.

Read the new laws on the way for electrical safety.