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Proactive compliance and engagement work 2022-23

This year’s proactive compliance and engagement campaign is underway.

Key focus areas include:

  • Community safety—promoting electrical safety for the community and vulnerable people on:
    • safe operation and maintenance of electrical equipment and installations
    • ensuring compliant electrical equipment is supplied to the market
    • unlicensed electrical work.
  • Renewables and high risk—small and large-scale solar, wind farms and high-risk environments including hazardous areas and electricity entity infrastructure.
  • Electrical contractors and workers—installation standards, licensing, and safe work practices for electrical contractors and their workers.
  • Construction and demolition—installation standards particularly construction switchboards, wiring protection and isolation. Principal contractor processes for unsafe electrical equipment and working near overhead powerlines will also be a focus area.
  • Community and industry engagement—electrical safety advice and information for the community and guidance for industry on electrical safety requirements and best practice.

Further information