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Electrical licence updates

New look restricted electrical work licence (REL)

Following a review of RELs, you will see a few changes to how it looks when you renew and receive your new licence card.

References to outdated REL units (one to six) have been removed with the licence endorsement and any applicable restrictions printed on the licence defining the scope of work permitted.

For example, a licence endorsed 'electronic equipment' permits electrical work on any low voltage electronic equipment while another licence might be restricted to 'electronic equipment limited to 250Vac (plug in only) or limited to data and communications equipment'.

Although your licence might look different, the scope of work permitted by your previous licence has not changed. If you have any concerns or questions about your new licence, please call 1300 632 993.

Electrical licence renewals

From February 2020, the Electrical Safety Office is moving to email notifications for electrical licence renewals for workers and contractors.

The email will contain all the information you need to renew your licence. You should consider saving as an approved contact to avoid notifications going to your junk folder.

To ensure you receive renewal notices you need to keep your email address up to date. You can update your email address and other contact details online. You can also call 1300 362 128 if you need help.

Remember, the easiest way to renew your electrical work licence or renew your electrical contractor licence is online.

Changing your contact details on your electrical contractor licence will not automatically update your electrical work licence or vice versa.

Not sure of your licence expiry date? Go to electrical licence holder search.

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