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Best practice procurement ensures highest safety standards

Are you using best practice procurement principles for quality, safe workplaces? If you are involved in a major construction project valued at more than $100 million for the Queensland Government, it is highly likely the Best practice principles: Quality, safe workplaces procurement policy applies to you.

When the Queensland Government reviews construction project tenders, best practice principles are applied, including how the contractor plans to ensure these principles are applied to engaging sub-contractors and suppliers.

These principles reflect work health and safety legislative requirements and include:

  • having a documented work health and safety management system
  • consulting with workers through a WHS committee and elected Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs)
  • supporting HSRs and providing them with resources.

Other indicators that you're following best practice include:

  • having a formal grievance process for WHS issues,
  • using digital engineering to design infrastructure and develop construction processes that eliminate or reduce WHS risks
  • developing, monitoring and reviewing safe work method statements for high-risk work.

Even if the procurement policy does not apply to your construction project, you are encouraged to adopt the best practice principles as doing so will help you meet due diligence obligations under work health and safety laws.

Further information

Download Best practice principles: Quality, safe workplaces.