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  • Incident alert

    Generator fuel explosion in back of truck

    In February 2018, two workers received severe burns to their legs, upper body and face when fuel ignited in the back of a truck.

  • Incident alert

    Vehicle stabilisers and outriggers

    In February 2018, a truck fitted with a vehicle loading crane was driven along a road with its stabiliser extended. The stabiliser struck a parked vehicle and a worker standing behind this vehicle was crushed and killed. It is not yet known why the stabiliser was unsecured and investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker burned while lighting furnace

    In January 2018, a worker received second degree burns while trying to pour fuel into the vent pipe of a furnace used for drying woodchips. The worker was attempting to light the furnace and spilled the fuel which then ignited resulting in burns to his hands, arms and legs. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker burned in pump room explosion

    On 11 January 2018 a worker was seriously injured in an explosion at a waste treatment plant at the Townsville golf club. Early investigations indicate this may have involved an explosive gas or substance in the pump room, but the ignition source has not been confirmed. The worker received extensive burns requiring hospital treatment. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Automotive mechanic run over by vehicle

    On 9 January 2018, a worker was run over by a vehicle while servicing it on sloping ground. Early investigations indicate the worker was underneath the vehicle while the driver was sitting in the cab with the engine running. It appears the vehicle has then moved forward unexpectedly and run over the mechanic. The injured man was then transported to Rockhampton Base Hospital for treatment.

  • Incident alert

    Worker fatally crushed while unloading forklift from a trailer

    In November 2017, a worker was killed when a forklift fell from the loading ramps of a flatbed trailer while it was being unloaded, crushing him. At this stage, it is not clear what caused the forklift to fall off the ramps and investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker killed by exploding wheel and tyre

    A worker was killed in October 2017 after being struck in the face by an exploding wheel and tyre. Initial inquiries indicate that the worker attempted to weld up a small leak in the truck wheel, whilst the tyre was still pressurised.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Guards and discs on angle grinders

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risks associated with removing guards and using incorrect discs on angle grinders.

  • Incident alert

    Worker killed on cane rail siding

    In October 2017, a driver’s assistant was struck and killed by rolling stock on a cane rail siding. She left the locomotive to activate points during a shunting sequence, allowing the train to leave the main track and enter the middle loop. She then gave instruction for the train to push empty cane bins into the middle loop.

  • Incident alert

    Worker struck in head by portable hydraulic jack

    In September 2017, a worker sustained serious head injuries while operating a portable hydraulically powered jack. He was using the jack to expand a semi-circular shaped metal bracket when it dislodged and struck him in the face. He was found unconscious sometime after the incident occurred.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Roof collapse

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight that sudden roof collapse can occur without warning. This alert provides guidance for building owners, schools, local government, building managers and body corporates about minimising the risk of roof collapse.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Impact protection for LPG cylinders

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the importance of adequate impact protection for LPG cylinders and to remind gas work licence holders and LPG delivery network operators of their responsibilities.